I am using 10 waves of the PSID data with the aim of analysing trends in household charitable giving over time. I want to create a panel with household ID as the Panel ID variable. The problem is that the household ID number is different for each household for each wave. The only identifying variable that is constant over time is at the individual level. Naturally, this wouldn't be a problem if the head of household was the same for each year but for many families the head of household changes at least once over the course of the 10 waves. I have the following variables that are of use:

id - Unique individual identification number
familyid - Unique family idenitifcaiton number (different every year)
famchange - Family composition change number (0 if no change, 1 if change other than head, 2 partner left family, 3 partner now head of household etc.)
relationtohead - Individual's relation to the head of household (20 if partner, 30 if son or daughter, 33 stepson etc.)

In my dataset I have every individual that was head of household in at least 1 wave. All of my other variables are at the household level.

How can I generate a household ID variable that is constant over time and accounts for changes in the head of household?

I have tried to use dataex but my input statement exceeds linesize limit.