Hi StataList.

I am trying to generate a wave variable in a panel dataset using substring (as I had seen used elsewhere). A wave prefix letter is attached to the beginning of each variable denoting the wave, e.g. 'a' as in asex = wave 1, 'b' as in bsex = wave 2, etc hence the string "a, b, c, ...". I read a number of previous posts but I was not able to find a solution or to know whether this function is the right one for the code I'm trying to write. Help is appreciated.

local wave = substr(c(alpha), 1, 17)                      // I tried this without success
//local waveprefix = substr("abcdefghijklmnopq","a" , 17)  // I tried this without success also
    foreach waveprefix in `wave'{
            use `origdatadir'/Combined_`waveprefix'170c.dta, clear
            keep `list'
            gen wave = index("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","`waveprefix'")
            lab var wave "Wave of the survey"
            sort hhpxid
            save "`mergedata'", replace