I have been trying to get the Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Table for my data set panel.
The descriptive statistics using the command: summarize comes out perfectly

My main issue is with the command correlate and/or pwcorr (i have used both) with one variable in particular: democracy

The democracy variable is either 1 or 0 signifying if a country has been classified as a democratic country or not in a particular year.
The variable has 3 more subsets:
dhigh - High Level Democracy
dmid - Mid Level Democracy
dlow - Low Level Democracy

The levels are based on the Freedom House Index.
Like the democracy variable the others are also either 1 or 0 signify the democratic level of the country in a particular year.

My problem is that when run correlation with other variables democracy and its subsets always have "."

code: correlate loggdp logtrade polrisk popgrow govsp democracy ***pwcorr was used also

loggdp logtrade polrisk popgrow govsp democr~y

loggdp 1.0000
logtrade -0.4361 1.0000
polrisk 0.0796 0.1502 1.0000
popgrow -0.2165 -0.1561 -0.1381 1.0000
govsp -0.2327 0.2970 0.0588 -0.0700 1.0000
democracy . . . . . .

So the same thing happens for the aforementioned subsets (dhigh, dmid, dlow) when I want to find their own correlation.
Something of note I should mention. When I run the correlation of democracy with its subsets, the stata program returns values for the subsets,
but not for the democracy variable. Any help will be much appreciated.
Thank you