I have a dataset with indiviudal-level data that I would like to collapse into household-level data. The dataset contains a dummy variable that is 1 when the individual has a disability, 0 otherwise.
Data example (fake data, because it's confidential):
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float(householdcode individualid disability_i) 1 1234 0 1 4566 0 1 34653 1 2 45321 0 2 3564 1 2 36433 0 end
I would like to have a dummy variable that is == 1 when any person in a household has a disability in the new household-level dataset.
I used the following code. (I am using Stata 14.)
collapse (max) disability_i by(householdcode)
This is my first time posting on the forum, so I hope I explained my problem well... any suggestions on how to improve are most welcome.
Thank you!
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