Hi all,

I have a data set that has “treatment”, “year” variables

I use the below code to run a regression.

reghdfe labour i.treatment##ib(2011).year, absorb(global_id year ) vce(cluster global_id)
outreg2 using Output.xls, label ctitle("labour") word addtext(Year FE, YES Treat FE, YES) keep (1.treatment##i.year)
coefplot, vertical nolabel drop(_cons) keep(1.treatment*) yline(0) title("Labour-2011b_reghdfe")

I have an issue with coefplot command. The name of variables “1.treatment##i.year” is too long, so they overlap when they are displayed in X-axis
What do I do to rename the variables before I execute “coefplot” command?
