
I am trying to run an ordered probit model on my data, the data has 12 var and 713397 obs. when I run the code:

"oprobit oinvtot i.ageband linc i.region [pw=fact] if finyear==2013 & sex2=="female" & taxpayer==1 & inc!=0, vce(robust)"

I keep getting this message:

_mopt_oprobit_e2(): 3900 out of memory
mopt__oprobit_e2(): - function returned error
mopt__calluser_e(): - function returned error
opt__eval_nr_e2(): - function returned error
opt__eval(): - function returned error
opt__looputil_iter0_common(): - function returned error
opt__looputil_iter0_nr(): - function returned error
opt__loop_nr(): - function returned error
_moptimize(): - function returned error
Mopt_maxmin(): - function returned error
<istmt>: - function returned error

but when I check my memory I have this:

Details of set memory usage
overhead (pointers) 2,853,588 0.18%
data 49,937,790 3.17%
data + overhead 52,791,378 3.36%
free 1,520,072,614 96.64%
Total allocated 1,572,863,992 100.00%
Other memory usage
system overhead 1,600,258
set matsize usage 1,315,200
programs, saved results, etc. 28,139
Total 2,943,597
Grand total 1,575,807,589

this shows that I have 96.64% free space, then why does not it allow me to perform the ordered probit model?

thanks for help