Really appreciate if someone could kindly help me. I'm using
This is the example from Stata manual:
dstdize deaths pop age_cat, by(nation) using(1962)
Unadjusted Std.
Pop. Stratum Pop.
Stratum Pop. Cases Dist. Rate[s] Dst[P] s*P
0 - 29 741000 3904 0.689 0.0053 0.350 0.0018
30 - 59 275000 1421 0.256 0.0052 0.350 0.0018
60+ 59000 2456 0.055 0.0416 0.300 0.0125
Totals: 1075000 7781 Adjusted Cases: 17351.2
Crude Rate: 0.0072
Adjusted Rate: 0.0161
95% Conf. Interval: [0.0156, 0.0166]
-> nation= Sweden
Unadjusted Std.
Pop. Stratum Pop.
Stratum Pop. Cases Dist. Rate[s] Dst[P] s*P
0 - 29 3145000 3523 0.420 0.0011 0.350 0.0004
30 - 59 3057000 10928 0.408 0.0036 0.350 0.0013
60+ 1294000 59104 0.173 0.0457 0.300 0.0137
Totals: 7496000 73555 Adjusted Cases: 115032.5
Crude Rate: 0.0098
Adjusted Rate: 0.0153
95% Conf. Interval: [0.0152, 0.0155]
Summary of Study Populations:
nation N Crude Adj_Rate Confidence Interval
Panama 1075000 0.007238 0.016141 [ 0.015645, 0.016637]
Sweden 7496000 0.009813 0.015346 [ 0.015235, 0.015457]
All I need are the adjusted rate for each country at the very end of the table (0.016141 for Panama and 0.015346 for Sweden).
Thank you.
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