I had a quick question. I am new to Stata, so please forgive me if this question seems silly. I am currently running a regression using NHIS data. I am looking at whether using different alternative medicine therapies is associated with an increased odds of developing eczema. In this example, I will use massage as the alternative medicine therapy. I added a co-variate to control for those who may use massage to treat eczema, which is represented by the variable "massage eczema" (it is binary - 0= did not use massage to treat eczema, 1= did use massage to treat eczema). However, when I run the regression, I get an error stating, "0.massageczema omitted because of collinearity."
Is there any way to work around this problem? I do need to control for those who use the therapy for eczema, as this would be a confounding variable.
I tried to look on the FAQ on how to post code, but the help dataex was not very clear. I have copied and pasted my output below, although I know it may be hard to read.
svy: logistic eczema i.massage i.massageczema i.sex i.race i.education age i.houseincome
(running logistic on estimation sample)
note: 0.massageczema omitted because of collinearity
Survey: Logistic regression
Number of strata = 295 Number of obs = 3,509
Number of PSUs = 569 Population size = 9,464,725
Design df = 274
F( 11, 264) = 2.95
Prob > F = 0.0010
| Linearized
eczema | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
1.massage | 1.236095 .1598816 1.64 0.102 .9582202 1.59455
0.massageczema | 1 (omitted)
sex |
Female | 1.408807 .155003 3.12 0.002 1.134445 1.749524
race |
1 | 1.145142 .2472934 0.63 0.531 .74856 1.751829
2 | 1.241144 .562923 0.48 0.634 .5082126 3.031091
3 | 1.306405 .4124466 0.85 0.398 .7017001 2.432225
4 | 1.726738 .4454404 2.12 0.035 1.039133 2.869341
education |
1 | .7790274 .1379485 -1.41 0.160 .5497371 1.103953
2 | .8614225 .1350667 -0.95 0.342 .6326449 1.172931
age | .9909397 .0027883 -3.23 0.001 .9854657 .9964442
houseincome |
1 | .8864313 .1281452 -0.83 0.405 .6668787 1.178266
2 | .7667886 .1397184 -1.46 0.146 .5356586 1.097648
_cons | .2079644 .0387932 -8.42 0.000 .1440467 .3002444
Note: _cons estimates baseline odds.
Note: 1 stratum omitted because it contains no population members.
Note: Strata with single sampling unit treated as certainty units.
0 Response to Necessary co-variate omitted due to collinearity
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