I want to know the effect of selected background characteristics on intimate partner violence among women in 35 low and middle-income countries using demographic and health survey (DHS) data. To account for fixed effects of the surveys, I generated variable - survey, assigned a code to each survey and included i.survey in the model. The relative risks of IPV were derived using modified Poisson regression which was estimated via a glm command.

my code is: glm sexvio i.age i.literacy i.occupa i.survey, link(log) family(poisson) eform

**this code worked well until I introduced the svy command- see below

svy: glm sexvio i.age i.literacy i.occupa i.survey, link(log) family(poisson) eform

aside from the reference category, the output missed out information on three surveys out of 35. there was no information on why they were missed.

Pls, how can I solve this problem?