Hello Statalist,

I am in the process of creating 718 different data files based off of one master dataset. I am running a basic loop, keeping the variables created, saving them as their own dta file, and then starting again. The way I'm doing it is not efficient though, and I'm wondering if there is a better way.

Currently I am running the following code:
use "S:\elzayaty\Mobility paper\INDUSTRY DIVERSIFICATION DISTANCE DATA.dta", clear

forval x = 1/718 {
      bysort investorid: gen prod_1`x' = ever_1 * ever_`x'
keep investorid prod*
save "S:\elzayaty\Mobility paper\prod1.dta", replace

use "S:\elzayaty\Mobility paper\INDUSTRY DIVERSIFICATION DISTANCE DATA.dta", clear

forval x = 1/718 {
      bysort investorid: gen prod_2`x' = ever_2 * ever_`x'
keep investorid prod*
save "S:\elzayaty\Mobility paper\prod2.dta", replace
As you can see, this is a fiddly thing to do 718 times - not only is it a lot of code, I need to replace the variable names prod_1`x' with prod_2`x' and ever_1 with ever_2, and the filename from prod1.dta to prod2.dta, and so on for 718 iterations.

Any thoughts on how to address this would be greatly appreciated!
