Hi all,

I need add string (N/A) to empty cells for a string Variable, I used "subinstr", but lamentably add N/A to other cells with names.


clear all
sysuse autornd

*This is only to replicate my real dataset
replace make=" " if make == "AMC Concord"

*add "NA" to car´s name
replace make=subinstr(make," ","N/A",.)
list make  in 1/10

     | make            |
  1. | N/A             |
  2. | AMCN/APacer     |
  3. | AMCN/ASpirit    |
  4. | BuickN/ACentury |
  5. | BuickN/AElectra |
  6. | BuickN/ALeSabre |
  7. | BuickN/AOpel    |
  8. | BuickN/ARegal   |
  9. | BuickN/ARiviera |
 10. | BuickN/ASkylark |
Thanks in advance