Hello all

I am doing some time series stuff (using R to do interrupted time series analysis - long story) but i have a rate for each year as follows:

year denominator Numerator rate
2004 1117648 18869 16.88277
2005 1135836 19209 16.91177
2006 1149597 18915 16.45359
2007 1153828 18610 16.12892
2008 1164451 17741 15.23551
2009 1156125 16008 13.84625
2010 1127019 13940 12.36891
2011 1111166 12502 11.25124
2012 1070343 10439 9.752949
2013 973473 8364 8.591918

rate = numerator/denominator *1000

I want to calculate the rate and 95% CI for each year. I know to use ci command:

. cii proportions 1117648 18869

-- Binomial Exact --
Variable | Obs Proportion Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
| 1,117,648 .0168828 .0001219 .0166447 .0171233

but I want to know how to do it for each year 2004 to 2013 without having to enter this for every year. Is there a command that can summarise it? I have a few tables i need rate and CI for!

