I am currently working on a monitoring and evaluation program where I need to create a report on the frequency of submission per partner per member and by month. I want this code to be persistent across differently named partners, members and dates so I can use it for similarly structured data in the future without specifying the names over again.
The data is structured like so
Submission | member | member_organization | ...Other variables... | month |
D-M-Y | Name | Organizationname | ... | 711 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
D-M-Y | Name2 | organization2 | ... | 712 |
... | ... | ... | .. | ... |
Something of the like of tables which are split up by organization and month
Organizationname month: 711
member | Frequency |
name | # |
name3 | # |
name4 | # |
name5 | # |
levelsof member_organization, local(organization) foreach partner in `organization' { clear all use "monitoring_and_evaluation.dta" keep if member_organization == "`partner'" levelsof month, local(months) foreach mth in `months' { tabout member_nameif month == `mth' using `mth'_`partner'.tex } } }
Some of your variables consist entirely of missing values
==1 invalid name
Please does anyone have some insight as to what I can do? I might have a few followup questions as well because I am unfamiliar with the tabout feature
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