Clyde Schechter

I will like to find out how I can use egen to find
1. how do i create a new variable which is the percentage of 17-20 years in poverty in each district.
2. how do I create two variable which has min and max percentage of young adults age 17 - 20 at the schools district levels within the state?
3. how do I create a new dataset which will have a min and max percentage of young adults in poverty at school districts for each state?
4. how do I generate a new variable, which is the difference between the smallest and the largest percent of children in poverty

Sample of my data below:
state postal code State FIPS Code District ID Name Total Population Population 17 -20 Estimated Number of relevant young between ages 17 to 20 years old in poverty who are related to househould
Al 01 00190 Alabaster Ciety school district 34,015 6,703 860
Al 01 00020 Albertville city school 21,786 2,659 1,546
AL 02 00030 Alexander City school 17,073 2,659 832
AL 02 00060 Andalusia City School 8,854 1,444 386
AL 03 00090 Andalusia 22,350 3184 1,106
AL 03 00100 Anthes 22,668 3,340 870
Thank you