Dear Stata users,

I am using user-written "coefplot" function to plot coefficients and standard error from two models, estimates stored as "firms" and "empl". Below is the code I use and the graph i get. My question is, how do i adjust the size of the titles of the graphs? i.e. make "Firms" and "Employment" larger? Although the task seems trivial, I don't seem to be able to find the answer.

coefplot (firms), bylabel(Firms) ///
           || (empl), bylabel(Employment) ///
           || ,xlabel(-0.02 "-2%" 0 "0"  0.02 "2%" 0.04"4%") ///
                drop(_cons) xline(0) keep(new_land new_interest) ///
            byopts(rows(1)) xsize(8) ylabel(,labsize(vlarge)) xlabel(,labsize(large))