Dear all,

I would like to add a line with the word "Yes" if time fixed effect is used. Unfortunately, i didn't manage to find out how.

Current code:

xtreg totcap_ratio Size, vce(cl rssdid)
eststo model1
xtreg totcap_ratio Size dep_share sec_share, vce(cl rssdid)
eststo model2
areg totcap_ratio Size dep_share sec_share, a(Time) vce(cl rssdid)
eststo model3
areg lev_ratio Size dep_share sec_share, a(Time) vce(cl rssdid)
eststo model4
esttab model1 model2 model3 model4, r2 ar2 star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) label title("Tabel 1:") mtitle("Tot Cap R" "Tot Cap R" "Tot Cap R" "Lev Ratio") addnote("Model 3 & 4 include time fixed effects")

Current output:

Desirable output:


Thanks in advance!
