
I am doing a confirmatory factor analysis, using SEM, to construct three latent variables for subsequent use in a regression analysis.

I use the following command

sem (Visual -> v1, ) (Visual -> v2, ) (Visual -> v3, ) (Verbal -> v4, ) ///
(Verbal -> v5, ) (Verbal -> v6, ) (Speed -> v7, )(Speed -> v8, ) ///
(Speed -> v9, ), covstruct(_lexogenous, diagonal) vce(sbentler) ///
standardized latent(Visual Verbal Speed) ///
cov( Visual*Verbal Visual*Speed Verbal*Speed) nocapslatent

foreach v in Visual Verbal Speed {
    predict `v', latent(`v')
    egen std_`v'= std(`v') // standardized values

sum Visual Verbal Speed std_Visual std_Verbal std_Speed
and I get the following output
PHP Code:

Endogenous variables

:  v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9

Exogenous variables

:       Visual Verbal Speed

Fitting target model

Iteration 0:   log pseudolikelihood = -4554.5345  
Iteration 1
:   log pseudolikelihood = -4549.0267  
Iteration 2
:   log pseudolikelihood = -4548.3346  
Iteration 3
:   log pseudolikelihood = -4548.3322  
Iteration 4
:   log pseudolikelihood = -4548.3322  

Structural equation model                       Number of obs     
=        145
Estimation method    
Log pseudolikelihood 
= -4548.3322

1)  [v1]Visual 1
2)  [v4]Verbal 1
3)  [v7]Speed 1
|      Coef.   StdErr.      z    P>|z|     [95ConfInterval]
Measurement       |
v1              |
Visual |     .67665   .0860549     7.86   0.000     .5079856    .8453145
|   4.293115   .2497337    17.19   0.000     3.803646    4.782584
v2              |
Visual |   .5165186   .0684681     7.54   0.000     .3823235    .6507137
|   5.598598   .3782855    14.80   0.000     4.857172    6.340024
v3              |
Visual |   .6935859    .069044    10.05   0.000     .5582622    .8289096
|   1.926279   .0893687    21.55   0.000      1.75112    2.101439
v4              |
Verbal |    .865565   .0332882    26.00   0.000     .8003213    .9308087
|   2.958508   .1669357    17.72   0.000      2.63132    3.285696
v5              |
Verbal |   .8293273   .0308301    26.90   0.000     .7689013    .8897533
|   4.068081   .2698725    15.07   0.000     3.539141    4.597022
v6              |
Verbal |   .8263318   .0355554    23.24   0.000     .7566445     .896019
|   2.182157   .1137125    19.19   0.000     1.959285    2.405029
v7              |
Speed |   .6591327   .0578271    11.40   0.000     .5457937    .7724717
|   3.805027   .2013456    18.90   0.000     3.410397    4.199658
v8              |
Speed |   .7958731   .0501476    15.87   0.000     .6975856    .8941605
|   5.246285   .3948288    13.29   0.000     4.472435    6.020136
v9              |
Speed |    .700846   .0517622    13.54   0.000     .5993938    .8022981
|   5.196225   .3564262    14.58   0.000     4.497643    5.894808
e.v1)|   .5421447   .1164581                      .3558514    .8259653
var(e.v2)|   .7332085   .0707301                       .606897    .8858089
var(e.v3)|   .5189386   .0957759                      .3614243    .7451002
var(e.v4)|   .2507973   .0576262                      .1598602    .3934642
var(e.v5)|   .3122162   .0511366                      .2264857    .4303979
var(e.v6)|   .3171758   .0587611                       .220599    .4560333
var(e.v7)|   .5655441   .0762315                      .4342405    .7365506
var(e.v8)|   .3665861   .0798222                      .2392386    .5617211
var(e.v9)|   .5088149   .0725547                      .3847533    .6728796
var(Visual)|          1          .                             .           .
Verbal)|          1          .                             .           .
Speed)|          1          .                             .           .
cov(Visual,Verbal)|   .5406683   .0896913     6.03   0.000     .3648765    .7164601
(Visual,Speed)|   .5233425   .0942191     5.55   0.000     .3386766    .7080085
(Verbal,Speed)|   .3361288   .1131726     2.97   0.003     .1143146     .557943
LR test of model vssaturatedchi2(24)  =     51.54Prob chi2 0.0009
-Bentler scaled test:    chi2(24)  =     50.29Prob chi2 0.0013

. foreach 
v in Visual Verbal Speed {
2.         predict `v', latent(`v')
  3.         egen std_`v'
std(`v') // standardized values
  4.         }

. sum Visual Verbal Speed std_Visual std_Verbal std_Speed

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
      Visual |        145   -4.32e-09    4.000018  -9.592437   12.42246
      Verbal |        145   -1.23e-09    2.746986  -7.786823   7.084102
       Speed |        145    3.21e-08    13.91826   -40.7785   43.87231
  std_Visual |        145    2.20e-09           1  -2.398098   3.105601
  std_Verbal |        145   -1.70e-10           1  -2.834679   2.578864
   std_Speed |        145   -1.02e-09           1  -2.929857   3.152141 
Now my question is that:
1- Although I specified the standardized option, I still get the predicted variables with standard deviations more than 1, and I Why?
2- The mean of the predicted latent variables is always close to zero? If that is so, are we assuming the kappa; associated intercept in estimating the latent KSI, in the formula is equal to zero? Or in other words what kind of distribution for the latents Ksi in this model is assumed?
