I have been attempting to run a Two Limit Tobit model on my data. I have a relatively large dataset (over 380,000 observations) nested within 310 regions. The dependent variable I use in this instance is a count variable having excess dispersion at the margins (it takes on the values 0 through 30, days of the month; number of days a respondent reports their well-being taking on a given state). Over 60% of responses take on the value of 0. Then there is a more modest spike occurring at 30. I am setting my lower limit to be 0 and upper limit at 30.
Below is what I get:
. estimates clear

. eststo: tobit swb regionlevelvar1 regionlevelvar2 i.race i.region, ll(0) ul(30)
               st_data():  3900  unable to allocate real <tmp>[361675,311]
_path_model_fvset_base():     -  function returned error
           _gsem_parse():     -  function returned error
         st_gsem_parse():     -  function returned error
                 <istmt>:     -  function returned error

end of do-file

Thank you for any help.