I can't figure out how to implement the following for this dataset:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(ID datenr excessreturn shock_ROLL LLS TRS) int qdate float Date
1  1            . 0 0 0 160 14612
1  2   .024564743 0 0 0 160 14613
1  3  -.013171673 0 0 0 160 14614
1  4    .03032541 0 0 0 160 14615
1  5   -.04618168 0 0 0 160 14616
1  6   -.00510788 0 0 0 160 14619
1  7 -.0045223236 0 0 0 160 14620
1  8   .009564877 0 0 0 160 14621
1  9    .06696749 0 0 0 160 14622
1 10  -.030753136 0 0 0 160 14623
1 11   -.10425854 0 0 0 160 14626
1 12   .026067734 0 0 0 160 14627
1 13 -.0019803047 0 0 0 160 14628
1 14 -.0030441284 0 0 0 160 14629
1 15    .01700306 0 0 0 160 14630
format %tq!Qq-CCYY qdate
format %td Date

ID and datenr_ are: identifier and time index (daily)

The variable shock_ROLL is either 0 or 1 (it is 1 in about 1% of the cases).

If shock_ROLL is 1 at t=n then I need to check whether the sum of 21 days of excess return (meaning until t=20) have been positive, starting at t=n-1 (the day before the shock_ROLL is 1). In this case the variable LLS should have a value of 1.

I also need to check the number of such LLS within a quarter and count the number per quarter, which could be shown in a new variable with the counting result as a value for each datenr_ in a quarter.

The story behind: in a case of a large stock price drop (like BP oil spill or such a thing) I want to see if the stock price recovers to the level before the shock within 21 trading days using the excess returns (this is stock return minus market return).