Hi, I have a wierd problem.
Previously, when I define the path as:
cd "F:\360CloudUp\Research\Projects\Research_Projects \!Accept -- SC\Empirical"
global dofiles= "/dofiles"
global rawdata= "/rawdata"
global workingdata= "/workingdata"
global tables= "/tables"
And I run IV regression as:
xi: xtivreg2 capreturn (ln_mean_4_total = ln_spend_popu ln_admin_income_popu) L6.ln_mean_4_total $xlist i.year, fe first cluster(id)
outreg2 using tables/Table_8.xls, replace label addstat(First stage F-stat, e(widstat), Hansen, e(j), Hansen p value, e(jp))
Hansen test and its p value can be reported in the excel file.
Afterwards, when I run another project with definition of the path:
global dofiles="F:\360CloudUp\Research\Projects\Research_ Projects\!!_Data_and_Empirics\CFPS\DFC\dofiles"
global rawdata="F:\360CloudUp\Research\Projects\Research_ Projects\!!_Data_and_Empirics\CFPS\rawdata"
global workingdata="F:\!!_Data_and_Empirics\CFPS\DFC\work ingdata"
global tables="F:\360CloudUp\Research\Projects\Research_P rojects\!!_Data_and_Empirics\CFPS\DFC\tables"
and run the regression:
xi: xtivreg2 lnconsumer_exp (cpre_total_index=IV_city_Hangzhou1 IV_city_Hangzhou2 IV_city_Hangzhou3) i.year, fe first cluster(city)
outreg2 using $tables/Table_7_cpre_Hangzhou_IV.xls, replace addstat(First stage F-stat, e(widstat), Hansen, e(j), Hansen p value, e(jp))
it says:
check eret list for the existence of e(jp)
invalid syntax
I don't know why the error has appeared. It seems that the two codes are the same.
Thank you.
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