
I am using Stata 15 and I am having trouble getting estimates of a series of regressions with Outreg2. I am storing the estimates for each regression, but when I run outreg2 all the estimates are replaced by those of the last regression.

Here is my code:

#levelsof year, local(lev)

foreach i of local lev {
reg lh lw lnlincr yoe pexp pexp3 p03 age3 nchild nchild6 i.prov, vce (robust)
estimates store m`i'
outreg2 [m2007 m2008 m2009 m2010 m2011 m2012 m2013 m2014 m2015 m2016 m2017] using "C:\XXXX\file.doc", stats(coef se) word replace #

Thanks in advance for your help,
