Dear all,

I am working on counts data and my study is to compare performance of several models that deal with such data (e.g., Poisson, NB, Hurdle, Zero-inflated models). The study's dependent variable is out-patient visits (visit_op) which is overdispersed and the independent vars are age, age square, sex, area, marital status, employment status, education, social health insurance, and log of household income.

Based on in-sample tests (mpe, rmse, and mape) and information criteria tests (log likelihood, AIC, and BIC), hurdle NB2 is the best model. Next, I utilize K-fold cross-validation to test those models' performance (out of sample test). In this out of sample test, the data is split into 10 parts (almost identical one another), among which 9 parts are used as training part and the last one is reserved as validation one. My coding procedures are as:

Data example

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(visit_op biny pid06 age agesqr) byte sex float area byte(mstt insur work) float(edu lnhhinc)
 1 1   8 69 4761 0 1 0 1 0  9  10.09823
12 1 133 61 3721 1 1 0 1 0 12 10.740648
 1 1 150 75 5625 0 0 0 1 0  2  9.877502
 4 1 164 62 3844 0 0 0 0 1  0 10.462332
10 1 166 67 4489 0 0 0 0 0  5  8.547916
 1 1 174 63 3969 0 1 0 1 0 12 10.165852
 3 1 180 77 5929 1 0 1 0 0  0  8.318742
10 1 188 64 4096 0 0 0 1 0 12 11.261897
 2 1  27 86 7396 1 1 1 0 0  0 10.515966
 3 1  31 74 5476 0 1 0 1 0 12 10.217276
 3 1  21 66 4356 0 1 0 1 1 12 10.959888
 1 1  51 75 5625 0 1 0 1 0  9  9.517825
 1 1  57 68 4624 1 1 1 0 1  5 10.910277
13 1  49 63 3969 1 1 0 1 0  9 10.299171
15 1  61 63 3969 0 1 0 1 0 12  11.48329
 0 0  64 64 4096 1 1 0 1 0  5  11.15545
 1 1  69 68 4624 0 1 0 1 0 12  11.34687
 1 1  59 69 4761 0 1 0 1 0 12 11.715866
 2 1  92 76 5776 1 1 0 1 0 10  10.09823
20 1  96 64 4096 1 1 1 1 0  4 11.252858
 2 1  85 66 4356 0 1 0 1 0 12  11.46772
 1 1  88 80 6400 1 1 1 1 0  3 10.113749
 1 1 114 61 3721 1 1 1 0 0  7 11.626254
 2 1 117 82 6724 1 1 0 1 0 12  10.27505
 1 1 102 84 7056 1 1 1 1 0  7 11.357675
 5 1 118 71 5041 0 1 1 1 1 12 12.115185
 1 1 122 83 6889 1 1 0 1 0  5 10.599132
 1 1 106 62 3844 1 1 0 1 0 12 10.767643
 3 1 288 68 4624 0 0 1 1 0  7  9.700943
10 1 309 78 6084 1 0 0 0 0  1 10.234624
label values sex sex
label def sex 0 "Male", modify
label def sex 1 "Female", modify
label values area area
label def area 0 "Rural", modify
label def area 1 "urban", modify
label values mstt mstt
label def mstt 0 "Married", modify
label def mstt 1 "Single", modify
label values insur insur
label def insur 0 "No", modify
label def insur 1 "Yes", modify
label values work work
label def work 0 "No", modify
label def work 1 "Yes", modify
Hurdle NB2
global v=10
xtile idq = pid06, nq($v)

*** Hurdle NB2
    gen p1 = 0
    gen yfv = 0

forvalues i=1/$v {
   qui {
   logit biny $X if idq~=`i', vce(robust)
   predict plogit
   replace p1 = plogit
   drop plogit  
   qui {
   tnbreg visit_op $X if visit_op>0 & idq~=`i', vce(robust)
   predict p2
   gen hnb2 = p1*p2
   replace yfv = hnb2 if idq==`i'
   gen pe = y - yfv
   sum pe
   sca hnb2mpe = r(mean)
   gen spe = (y-yfv)^2
   sum spe
   sca hnb2rmse = sqrt(r(mean))
   gen ape = abs(y-yfv)
   sum ape
   sca hnb2mape = r(mean)
   drop p2 hnb2 pe spe ape
drop p1 yfv
    gen yfv = 0
forvalues i=1/$v {
   qui {
   nbreg visit_op $X if idq~=`i', vce(robust)
   predict yhatnb2 
   replace yfv = yhatnb2 if idq==`i'
   gen pe = y - yfv
   sum pe
   sca nb2mpe = r(mean)
   gen spe = (y-yfv)^2
   sum spe
   sca nb2rmse = sqrt(r(mean))
   gen ape = abs(y-yfv)
   sum ape
   sca nb2mape = r(mean)
   drop yhatnb2 pe spe ape  

drop yfv
*** Poisson
    gen yfv = 0
forvalues i=1/$v {
   qui {
   poisson visit_op $X if idq~=`i', vce(robust)
   predict pyhat 
   replace yfv = pyhat if idq==`i'
   gen pe = y - yfv
   sum pe
   sca pmpe = r(mean)
   gen spe = (y-yfv)^2
   sum spe
   sca prmse = sqrt(r(mean))
   gen ape = abs(y-yfv)
   sum ape
   sca pmape = r(mean)
   drop pyhat pe spe ape  

drop yfv
Results show that the Poisson and NB2 models did better than Hurdle NB2. Results of MPE, RMSE, and MAPE of the Poisson and NB2 are almost identical, though the data is overdispersed. Therefore, I am wondering if either my coding procedures or my approach of out-of-sample tests are incorrect? Any advice is highly appreciated.

Thank you.

Best regards,