We are pleased to announce that the Scientific Committee for the Oceania Stata Conference 2019 is now accepting submissions of abstracts to present papers and posters for the conference.

The conference is accepting submissions across all areas of Stata use including development of user written commands and examples of research using Stata. The Scientific Committee has identified five themes of particular interest:
1. Survival Analysis
2. Longitudinal Analysis
3. Big Data
4. Data Visualisation
5. Automation

If you would like to submit a paper please register at the Oceania Stata Conference website at https://oceania-stata.squarespace.com/. SUbmissions close on 10 May 2019.

This year's conference will be held at the Park Royal Hotel in Parramatta (western Sydney) on 19-20 August 2019.

The conference will consist of one of courses and one day of presentations and posters. The training courses will be:
1. Panel Data Using Stata presented by Professor Bob Breunig of the Australian National University
2. Stata for Big Data presented by Dr Con Menictas of Strategic Precision

This years Scientific Committee is:
Chair: Gwin Nyakuengama
Members: Arul Earnest
Demetris Christodoulou
Erik Mooi
Lydia Pik Yi Cheung