Good afternoon,

I am using the oaxaca command to decompose the ethnic pay gap, in the example here I am comparing the pay of Bangladeshi men to White British men. My code used is

oaxaca LogHOURPAY varlist, by(Bangladeshi) pooled categorical(varlist) eform

I have been using a Jann guide which has the following in it on page 18:

So it appears this value should give the mean wage for the given group. However when I do this I get the following mean wages for the groups:
so it appears they are £13.37 for White British & £9.02 for Bangladeshi men.

However when I use the sum command mean hourly pay is £15.74 and £10.40 to White British and Bangladeshi men respectively.

I'm using the same data and the number of observations are the same so I am uncertain as to where this discrepancy could come from.

Thanks so much for any help provided, have a great day!