
I want to use a multiple imputation panel dataset (originally in SPSS) in Stata. To do so, I wrote the following do-file:

mi import flong, m(Imputation_) id(nomem_encr year)
egen id=group(nomem_encr)
mi xtset id year
panel variable: id (unbalanced)
time variable: year, 2008 to 2018, but with gaps
delta: 1 unit

So far, everything works. However, when I ask for xtdes, I get the following error: repeated time values within panel.
What else should I do to recognize my dataset as both a multiple imputation dataset and a panel dataset?

Also, when I ask for xttab or xtreg, the data is grouped by id, but the different imputations are not taken into account. Using 'mi estimate: xttab' does not solve my problem, as I then get the error that xttab is not officially supported by mi estimate. How can I make sure Stata xttab and xtreg take into account the multiple imputations as well as the multiple observations nested in respondents?
