
I am looking for some suggestions to choose an appropriate model for my research. I am trying to estimate the probability of using different job search method for unemployed individuals. I have five different outcome variables (search channels) that individual used to find jobs: (1) contacted potential employer(s) directly (yes/no), (2) through friend(s)/relative(s) (Yes/no), (3) placed or answered newspaper ad(s) (Yes/no), (4) consulted with employment agency (Yes/no), (5) searched the Internet. In the right-hand side, I am using demographic variables (Age, Sex, Education, Ethnicity) and other neighborhood characteristics as predictive variables (IV). My data is longitudinal, and I will estimate the model for both cross-sectional and panel setup.

I have few options to estimate the model. First, I can categorize the outcomes into two variables: informal networks ( friends and relatives) and formal networks (Internet or other institutional methods) and use a simple logit/Probit model. But I am also interested in examining the probability of using different formal methods as well, like Internet versus employment agency. In that case, I can use the multinomial Logit/Probit model. But the problem of Multinomial logit/Probit is that it assumes the individual will select only one alternative. But in my case, individuals used three or four methods simultaneously. If I restrict the sample on individuals who used only one method, I lose more than half of my sample.

Second, I can use -gsem- to estimate the model. The advantage of using –gsem- is that it would allow me for five separate but correlated binary outcome variables and also give me separate coefficient for each DV. But I am not sure whether -gsem- is the only available option or best option to solve my problem. Additionally, I was wondering whether I could use multivariate logit model as an alternative.

Any suggestions and advice will be greatly appreciated.