
I am interested in bootstrapping multilevel models like this example, from the Stata manual entry for mixed:

mixed gsp private emp hwy water other unemp || region: || state:
According to IDRE (https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stata/da...ic-regression/) for bootstrapping "multilevel data, we want to resample in the same way as the data generating mechanism. We start by resampling from the highest level, and then stepping down one level at a time. (...) Unfortunately, Stata does not have an easy way to do multilevel bootstrapping."

I have done an extensive search in order to find out how to "resample from the highest level, and then step down one level at a time" in Stata with no luck. I would greatly appreciate if someone could point to a resource that covers how to implement the above in Stata.

Thank you for your help.