
I want to create a variable that gives me the amount of children aged 17 and younger (children17) for each household.

For that I have these vars:

hhid -> household id
pid_1 - pid_8 -> id of the individual in the household between 1 and 8 (so a person can have no. 1, 2,3...or 8 referring to a certain household id)
age_1 - age_8 -> age of each individual (no.1 - no.8) in a household
relrefp -> the relationship to the reference person of the hh: each of the children need relrefp==3 (daughter/son)

I tried to create such a variable with a loop several ways but somehow I do not find the correct solution.

forv i = 1(1)8 {
2. gen children17=`i' if age_`i'<=17 & relrefp_`i'==3
3. }

This is probably still not that close to the solution, as stata tells me that "variable children17 already defined", though it´s not in the datasat before starting the loop.

Perhaps someone with much more experience in stata loops can give me the right hints?