Dear Stata users,
I am running a latent profile model using the data of a questionnaire addressed to a sample of artists. In the questionnaire, among other things, it is asked individuals to indicate the percentage of income that derive by different source (government, artistic work, other): so there are 3 observed variables that refer to this. Similarly, we ask the percentage of time dedicated to different activities (art, education, other), forming three other variables. I normalize the percentage such that the sum is 100 for both set of variables. I have estimated the model and I have considered, for each class, the estimated mean. Summing the estimated mean for the three variables referring to income, I obtain 100% in all the classes. However, when it comes to the variables related to the time spent, I obtain for all the classes a sum greater than 100 (ranging from 104 to 108). It seems that these values are inconsistent. Is it so? Or this is plausible?
Thank you very much for your help