Dear Statalist,

each household consists of a man and a woman (female==1). I want to drop every household that has at least one member with at least one missing (.) on all explanatory variables. My variables below are household hid, female, country of origin (country), and spouse's country of origin (sp_country), years since migration (ysm), etc.
There are many more variables on the right of ysm.
How would I go about this?
I would much appreciate suggestions.

Best wishes.


* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input long hid float(female country sp_country ysm)
68391 0    7 1000 55
68391 1 1000    7  0
68392 0    . 1000  .
68392 1 1000    .  0
68403 0 1000 1000  0
68403 1 1000 1000  0
68404 0 1000 1000  0
68404 1 1000 .     0
68405 0 1000 1000  0
68405 1 1000 1000  0