I have 73 countries microdata (n range from1 to 73), where I intend to add a column of minimum wage information for each country. However some country have one national rate, while some country have multiple rates by province or industry.
pais | country | ccode | year | region | mw |
37 | Brazil | BRA | 2015 | 788 | |
41 | Mexico | MEX | 2016 | 1,899 | |
48 | Russia | RUS | 2015 | 7,800 | |
58 | China | CHN | 2013 | 1 | 1,620 |
58 | China | CHN | 2013 | 2 | 1,580 |
58 | China | CHN | 2013 | 3 | 1,430 |
How can I do that? I tried to merge when running each country but does not seem to work at all...
foreach n of numlist 1(1)73 {
if (`n'>=1 & `n'<=73) {
g code= `n' ?
merge m:m code using `mw' ?
Best regards,
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