Dear all:

I have 73 countries microdata (n range from1 to 73), where I intend to add a column of minimum wage information for each country. However some country have one national rate, while some country have multiple rates by province or industry.
pais country ccode year region mw
37 Brazil BRA 2015 788
41 Mexico MEX 2016 1,899
48 Russia RUS 2015 7,800
58 China CHN 2013 1 1,620
58 China CHN 2013 2 1,580
58 China CHN 2013 3 1,430

How can I do that? I tried to merge when running each country but does not seem to work at all...

foreach n of numlist 1(1)73 {


if (`n'>=1 & `n'<=73) {

g code= `n' ?

merge m:m code using `mw' ?



Best regards,
