I need to create a binary indicator (weightmedian_binary) based on whether that variable (weight) is below or above its median value (weightmedian_priceq5) within each quintile of another variable (price_q5). Given how confusing this sounds, I have tried to illustrate with an example using the auto dataset. The issue is I need to generate multiple variables like this - beyond just weight - all based on whether they are below/above their median value within each quintile of price. I am trying to write a do file, but I am having difficulties since I do not know how to reference the median values from levelsof, have the loop correctly iterate quintile values, etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

sysuse auto
egen price_q5 = xtile(price), n(5)
egen weightmedian_priceq5 = median( weight ),  by( price_q5)
levelsof weightmedian_priceq5
gen weightmedian_binary = .
replace weightmedian_binary = 0 if price_q5==1 & weight<2640
replace weightmedian_binary = 1 if price_q5==1 & weight>=2640
replace weightmedian_binary = 0 if price_q5==2 & weight<2650
replace weightmedian_binary = 1 if price_q5==2 & weight>=2650
replace weightmedian_binary = 0 if price_q5==3 & weight<2670
replace weightmedian_binary = 1 if price_q5==3 & weight>=2670
replace weightmedian_binary = 0 if price_q5==4 & weight<3280
replace weightmedian_binary = 1 if price_q5==4 & weight>=3280
replace weightmedian_binary = 0 if price_q5==5 & weight<3890
replace weightmedian_binary = 1 if price_q5==5 & weight>=3890