Dear Stata Forum members,

I made a program like this:

cap program drop sampletps
program define sampletps
version 14.2

syntax [anything] , p(real .5) N(real) ntps(real) sigma(real .001) ci(real .95)
local z = invnormal((1-`ci')/2)
local sampledpt = (`p'*(1-`p'))/((`sigma'^2/`z'^2)+((`p'*(1-`p'))/`N'))
local dpttps = `N'/`ntps'
local sampletps = `sampledpt'/`dpttps'
di "Samples DPT needed = " `sampledpt'
di "Samples Polling Stations needed = " `sampletps'

* test
sampletps, p(.5) N(192000000) ntps(801838) sigma(.001) ci(.99)

however, when I test it, it failed. I got the message like this

invalid syntax

can somebody help me what's wrong with this code? Thank you

Best regards,
