I am doing a 2000 times monte carlo simulation of two-stage least square estimation with random numbers in Mata with following codes, but I do not know how to extract the esimation results from Mata to Stata. My idea is to stack each estimation result on top of the other and get a varible with 2000 observations. But the code return errors: st_store(): 3200 conformability error
<istmt>: - function returned error
Could anyone help me work this out? Thanks!
clear all set obs 2000 gen B_2SLS =. mata rseed(435632) for (i=1; i<=2000; i++){ R = (1, 0.5\ 0.5, 1) C = cholesky(R) E1 = rnormal(2, 200, 0, 1)' E = E1*C' Z1 = rnormal(5, 200, 0, 1)' Z = Z1*I(5) P0 = 0.01*J(5, 1, 1) B0 = (1) X = Z*P0 + E[., 1] Y = X*B0 + E[., 2] P = Z*luinv(Z'*Z)*Z' B_2SLS = (X'*P*Y) / (X'*P*X) st_store((strtoreal("i")::strtoreal("i"+"1")), "B_2SLS", B_2SLS) } end
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