I am trying to export specific regression table outputs to excel. Some "meta info" is easy, (for example root mean squared error). Consider the folliwng minimal example

// get data
use "http://www.stata-press.com/data/r9/nlswork.dta", clear
xtset idcode year

// run regression
reghdfe ttl_exp  age  not_smsa msp nev_mar  , abs(idcode year) cluster(idcode)

// store numbers
local rmse = `e(rmse)'

// export
putexcel A1= (`rmse') using "export.xlsx" , modify // this works
How can I get the p-value of a given variable (say "msp") exported to the same excel document?

The "ereturn list" does not suggest any helpful info, e(V) contains only the covariance matrix.