Dear all, I am tabulating different dependent variables in consecutive rows (not consecutive columns as it is the default for esttab) and I'm keeping only one explanatory variable. I want two columns per model, one with few controls, the other one with more controls. I'm using the option "appendmodels" so every dependent variable is showed in a row. I would like the explanatory variable I'm keeping to have the label/name of the dependent variable. I have tried to use rename and change the label of the explanatory variable every time I run the regression but it keeps only the last change and not a different label for each regression. See an example of what I'm doing below. I have three different rows with the variable foreign, but I want instead the name of the dependent variable used in each specification. In the example I would like to change "foreign" for the name of the dependent variables (price and weight). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Lina.
sysuse auto, clear
eststo r1: reg price foreign
eststo r2: reg price foreign head
eststo r3: reg weight foreign
eststo r4: reg weight foreign head
eststo nocontrols: appendmodels r1 r3
eststo controls: appendmodels r2 r4
esttab controls nocontrols, replace keep(foreign)
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