Good Afternoon Everyone,

I wonder if someone can help me to find a right command.

I need to calculate network connection where two directors went to same university, graduated within 2 years.
Is there anyway I can calculate this? Below is sample of my data.

I am using the following command, but I am sure its not really calculating what I need:

sort directorid InstitutionName QualificationDate
egen c4=group(directorid InstitutionName QualificationDate Qualificationtype )

input double directorid str43 institutionname str4 qualificationdate str27 qualification
11110932958 "Adelaide University Union (AUU)" "1967" "Bachelor's Degree (Hons)"
11269183344 "Adelaide University Union (AUU)" "1968" "BSc (Hons)"
11111062958 "Adelaide University Union (AUU)" "1970" "BTech"
642136497 "Adelphi University" "1967" "MBA"
329278949 "Adelphi University" "1968" "MBA"
13611206873 "Administrative Staff College of India (ASC)" "2005" "Attended"
11764174309 "Administrative Staff College of India (ASC)" "2005" "Attended"
81520910783 "Administrative Staff College of India (ASC)" "2006" "Advanced Management Program"
13805177095 "Administrative Staff College of India (ASC)" "2008" "Training Program"

It will be great if someone can help me to find right command for this calculation.

Kind Regards