Dear All, the following question is from here ( The data set is
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(id year pop)
3 2003  200
3 2004  500
3 2005  600
3 2006  700
1 2003  600
1 2004  800
1 2005  900
1 2006 1000
2 2003  600
2 2004  900
2 2005 1200
2 2006 1300
4 2003  400
4 2004  500
4 2005  600
4 2006  700
5 2003  900
5 2004  950
5 2005 1000
5 2006 1100
For each id, a "big" dummy is defined to be 1 (for all the observations in this id) if the population (pop) is larger than 500 in the year 2016, 0 otherwise. Similarly, a "medium" dummy is defined if 200 < pop < 500, and a "small" dummy is defined as pop < 200. Any suggestions? Thanks.