My data set consists of funds and their historical returns from 2004-2018. My goal is in a first step to compare the performance of 20% best and 20% worst (calculated for each observation date) performing funds for the whole time period.
My variables are id (different for each fund), date, and hret (historical return).
I did already build dummy variables for the best and worst 20% of funds for each date. Now I want to analyze if the performance difference within these dummy variables is statistically significant over the whole time period (2004-2018) or not.
For now my code looks the following:
* Using egenmore, xtile ssc install egenmore egen hret_decile = xtile(hret), by(date) nq(10) gen byte top_performer_hret = 1 if inlist(hret_decile, 9, 10) gen byte bottom_performer_hret = 1 if inlist(hret_decile, 1, 2)
How can I now compare these two dummy variables regarding their hret (historicalreturn)? I would like to see the mean hret of both dummy variables and analyze if the difference is statistically significant or not by performing a t-test. However, I do not how to do it. I would appreciate any advice.
Furthermore, is my approach of using dummy variables the best one or are there other (perhaps more suitable) possibilities?
Thank you for your help,
Tim Wolf
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