I have what I assume is a fairly simple problem to solve. I am using Qgis to create maps using quantiles and would like to display the number of observations per Quantile in my legends. However, Qgis does not have an easy way to observe this, but I know that it is easy to find out using the xtile command in Stata, which I have done. What I would like to do is simply double check that the ranges Stata has calculated for the quantiles match those that Qgis is using to ensure that everything matches up.

What I have been unable to figure out how to do is display the ranges Stata calculated for the quantiles of each of my variables. In my case I'm dividing each variable into 6 quantiles and so would like to see the 6 ranges that Stata has used to divide each variable. Is this something that I will just need to manually calculate in Stata?

Thank you for your help.