Dear Memebers,

I am running two-step sys-GMM, and my Stata (12.1 SE) command is given below.
xtabond2 y L.y x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 i.Year Dummy_Industry, gmm(L.y, lag(2 3) coll) gmm(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7, lag (1 1)) iv(i.Year Dummy_Industry, eq(diff|level)) ortho robust two small

I have two questions in this regard:
(1) How can I get the results of Wald test for my regressors and also for i.Year separately?
(2) If I find that the Wald test result of my regressors (apart from i.Year) is significant while the test result of i.Year is insignificant, will that question my model?
Please note, the p-values of AR(2) and Hansen J Statistic are 0.124 and 0.458 respectively; Difference-in-Hansen tests of exogeneity is 0.705.

Thanks in anticipation
