Dear All,

I'm creating a dta file with names of files within a folder of my local disk. To do so, I'm running the same loop twice, where the only change is the type of file I want to record in the dta file. I want to simplify the process in one loop, rather than two. This is my code.

local paths ""C:\project1" "C:\project2" "C:\project3""
foreach path of local paths {
local fdir "`path'"
cd "`path'"
local files : dir . files "*.do"

foreach file of local files {
replace name= "`file'" if name==""
set obs `=_N+1'

foreach path of local paths {
local fdir "`path'"
cd "`path'"
local files : dir . files "*.txt"

foreach file of local files {
replace name= "`file'" if name==""
set obs `=_N+1'

I tried inserting a new local macro within the first loop, but it yields repeated names of files.

Thank you for your help in advance,
