Hello Everyone

I am trying to run regressions of the form given below for the first time:


The independent variable predicts the health outcome for an individual i falling in a given month m and a given year y.

Var is the primary independent variable of interest (age) and I am interested in determining that if Var exceeds a certain threshold whether it has an impact on the dependent variable. Xi is a vector of dummies for the individual representing marital status, education status, gender etc.

θmy would be a set of fixed time period effects for a given month and year.
The dependent variable Y predicts various binary categorical health outcomes and the independent variable considers the demographic variables of age to predict the health outcome.

I was thinking of using a pooled OLS regression or a fixed effects regression for the above analysis and wanted to understand if that would be the best approach for tacking the problem.

I am very new to Stata software and would appreciate any help or references to sources that I could use for replicating the above regression.

Thanks and Regards
