I have a problem in pubIishing the estimation tables using esttab as I am unable to store the statistics of the cgmreg.
When I attempt to store the estimates results using
estso, it works but it only stores the coefficients but not the number of observation which results in publishing tables that have empty observations.

I highly appreciate your help.

My code is as follows:
xi: cgmreg neonatal commonlaw rural poor birthinterval i.v106 bord age_mother un_population_density_2015 mother_works malaria_prevalence_2015 land_surface_temperature_2015 aridity_2015 rainfall_2015 dhsyear distkm_sq if distkm<=200, cluster (cohort ethnicity)
eststo neo1
esttab neo1 neo2 neo3 using Neonatal.tex,label nonumbers ///
longtable nogaps p staraux starlevels( * 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) mtitles( "less than 200 Km" "less than 150 km" "less than 100 Km") compress title(\label{Table 3}Dependent Variable: Neonatal Mortality)
stats(N,fmt(%9.0fc)) addnotes("Standard errors are clustered at the ethnic and country level using the approach of Cameron, Gelbach, and Miller (2011)) replace // ///