We need a 2011 India district shapefile (N=640 districts). I found a handful around the web (e.g., Survey of India, a different github site, etc.) but have not been able to import any .shp file into stata:
. shp2dta using India-Districts-2011Census.shp, data(di2011d) coor(di2011c) replace
India-Districts-2011Census.shp: invalid shape file
. shp2dta using 2011_Dist.shp, data(i2011d) coor(i2011c) replace
bufget(): 3300 argument out of range
fbufget(): - function returned error
read_dbf(): - function returned error
<istmt>: - function returned error
I have stata 14.2 running on Mac OS 10.12.6
Is there a shapefile (or better stata files) that anybody has used successfully?
Reeve Vanneman
University of Maryland
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