Dear Statalist members,

My dataset is something like this

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte(firm industry qtr) float(var1 var2) byte check
 1 1 1 .55 .28 0
 2 1 1 .55 .28 0
 3 1 1 .55 .28 0
 4 1 1   .   . 1
 5 1 1 .55 .28 0
 1 1 2 .77 .63 0
 2 1 2 .77 .63 0
 3 1 2 .77 .63 0
 4 1 2 .77 .63 0
 5 1 2 .77 .63 0
 6 1 2   .   . 1
11 2 1 .97 .13 0
12 2 1 .97 .13 0
13 2 1   .   . 1
14 2 1 .97 .13 0
15 2 1 .97 .13 0
11 2 2 .78 .44 0
12 2 2 .78 .44 0
13 2 2   .   . 1
14 2 2 .78 .44 0
15 2 2 .78 .44 0
I want to generate mean values for each industry and quarter. I used the following code.

gen newvar1=.
gen newvar2=.

forval q=1(1)2{

forval i=1(1)2{

egen check1= mean(var1) if `i'==industry & `q'==qtr
egen check2= mean(var2) if `i'==industry & `q'==qtr

replace newvar1=check1 if `i'==industry & `q'==qtr
replace newvar2=check2 if `i'==industry & `q'==qtr

drop check1
drop check2


My actual dataset consists of around one million observations with many firms and quarters, so it takes too much time to complete. Maybe because of egen!!

My Question:

1. How can i estimate this mean in a quicker way?
2. Another related question is that if I want to replace the missing values in var1 and var2 with previous values from same industry and quarter, how can I do that? (Missing values are the one against which the check variable is equal to 1).

Kind Regards,
Azhar Mughal