Hello, I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge concerning STATA as I am not familiar with it and am currently trying to get better. Also, I am not familiar with this forum, so I may be posting in the wrong section. Regardless, here we go. I am currently conducting a research paper for economics on the impact of minimum wages on employment. I imported data from IPUMS into STATA and am currently manipulating the data to fit my needs. One of my variables is employment status, and within that variable are a number of options (i.e. military, retired, not in labor force other, unemployed, unemployed new worker etc. I would like to, if possible, combine these into two categories, specifically employed and unemployed (so that I may create a dummy variable for employment without omitting data). Is there a way to do this? If so, how? Thanks in advance!

Note: These are the options for employment that I would like to combine into employed and unemployed

employment status | Freq. Percent Cum.
armed forces | 2,671 0.57 0.57
at work | 213,509 45.39 45.95
has job, not at work last week | 6,871 1.46 47.42
unemployed, experienced worker | 21,502 4.57 51.99
unemployed, new worker | 7,825 1.66 53.65
nilf, unable to work | 7,743 1.65 55.30
nilf, other | 209,331 44.50 99.79
nilf, retired | 965 0.21 100.00
Total | 470,417 100.00