I have a quick question. I have a dataset of hospitalizations for a cohort that I am trying to adjust for comorbities over time. There is apparently a code that allows for an Elixhauser Index Score to be calculated longitudinally in SAS. From what I understand (and I'm not proficient in SAS admittedly), but I think the advantage is that ICD codes don't get included twice in calculation of the score.

My question is whether this is a property that is built into the current STATA elixhauser command, and if not, is there an easy way to adjust so that it does?

Here's the link with the description: http://mchp-appserv.cpe.umanitoba.ca...conceptID=1436
Here's the actual SAS code, (if anyone's curious): http://mchp-appserv.cpe.umanitoba.ca..._Score.sas.txt