I have data:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int region float(agecat tempjan) 1 1 23.16087 1 2 28.99518 1 3 31.462856 2 1 18.091358 2 2 25.40435 2 3 29.77333 3 1 38.58561 3 2 50.13235 3 3 64.27907 4 1 40.23812 4 2 54.53425 4 3 61.50435 end label values region region label def region 1 "NE", modify label def region 2 "N Cntrl", modify label def region 3 "South", modify label def region 4 "West", modify label values agecat agecat label def agecat 1 "19-29", modify label def agecat 2 "30-34", modify label def agecat 3 "35+", modify
The content of the matrix should look like the inner part of the table below (in bold)
tabulate region agecat, summarize(tempjan) means Means of Average January temperature Census | agecat Region | 19-29 30-34 35+ | Total -----------+---------------------------------+---------- NE | 23.16087 28.995181 31.462857 | 27.885366 N Cntrl | 18.091358 25.404348 29.773333 | 21.694366 South | 38.585612 50.132353 64.279069 | 46.1456 West | 40.238125 54.534247 61.504348 | 46.225391 -----------+---------------------------------+---------- Total | 31.159172 38.398101 47.122137 | 35.748952
So I think I have the following questions:
1. transform the data into a contingency-table-like format.
2. save it as a matrix
3. Also, I would really appreciate if anybody could tell me whether I could plot multiple matrices and combine them into the same graph using plotmatrix (something like addplot)? I do not see such an extension available in its help file.
I also considered tabplot. But I feel it occupies too much space on a single page, if I want to show multiple contingency tables together (the many bars take space, while plotmatrix can convey the information using shaded colors). Also, it is based on cross-tabulation while my data is not really based on that.
Thank you!
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