
Thanks for giving this a look. First, I am working with the ELS:2002 restricted, so it is a bit difficult to copy/paste in the code. I took some images and have typed in the code and the response I am receiving

My survey set command:

svyset sch_id, weight(byschwt) || stu_id, weight(f1xpnlwt) strata(strat_id)
GSEM Command:
svy: gsem (i.sport2 <- c.schsize c.stdschool c.sesschool i.bysctrl i.byurban M1[sch_id@1]) if f1!=1, mlogit
When I run the GSEM command, I keep receiving the lines:
initial values not feasible
an error occurred when svy executed gsem
I have tried other student-level weights that conceptually make sense for this my analyses. Also, I have tried running the model with only one independent variable and still have had the same results. All the time I have been getting the same For anyone that has worked with the ELS:2002, am I doing something wrong in the command line or am I just S.O.L. on getting this to run?

Thanks for any help!